

২৩ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১৯ ০৮:৪৩ পূর্বাহ্ণ

English 1st Paper_ Annual Examination-2017 _ Jagarani M. L Girls’ High School, Newashi, Nageswari

Jagarani M. L Girls’ High School, Newashi, Nageswari

Annual Examination-2017

Class: Nine

English 1st  Paper     

Time : 3 hours                                                                                         Full Marks : 100                                                        

[Answer all the questions. Figures in the margin indicate full marks.]

Part A : Reading Test

Read the passage. Then answer the questions following.

Newspaper is the people's parliament. The newspaper plays a vital role in modern civilization. It is said to be the mirror of the world. We must have the habit of reading the newspaper daily. It helps us acquire general knowledge which is essential for our education. Nobody can keep contact with the outside world without reading the newspaper. Mere bookish knowledge is not sufficient in the struggle of life. A man who does not read the newspaper daily, is like a frog in a narrow well. Being ignorant of current topics, he cannot take part in the talks and discussions of an enlightened society and it seems life a fish out of water in it. The newspaper is a dainty in a dish of varieties; such as the news of current affairs, trade and commerce, films, games and sports etc. Moreover, the views of scholars on different subjects are discussed. All these have some educative values and we must have the habit of reading the newspaper regularly as it is blessing of modern civilization.

But one should bear in mind that sometimes newspapers bear comment soft diverse nature and interests by the reporters and critics from various angles. We should not be blindly influenced by these comments but should keep an open mind to the facts and problems.

1.   Choose the best answer from the alternatives :                                                        1´7=7

(a)  What does the word 'enlightened' mean?

      (i) educated         (ii) ignorant             (iii) oblivious   (iv) bookish

(b)  What does the expression 'mere bookish knowledge is not sufficient in the struggle of life' mean?

      (i)  Only academic knowledge cannot help us in the war.

      (ii) Knowledge gained only from books is not adequate for us to serving in the world.

      (iii) Only knowledge of book is not sufficient for us.

      (iv) Only bookish knowledge cannot enable us to prosper in life.

(c)  Which of the following best describes newspaper's performance?

      (i)  Newspaper reflects all the happening of the world.

      (ii) Newspaper gives us opportunity of reading nice stories.

      (iii) Newspaper entertains us with excellent jokes.

      (iv) Newspaper gives information about crimes.

 (d) Which of the following words describe newspaper best?

      (i) Humorous       (ii) stirring   (iii) Advantageous  (iv) Entertaining

(e)  Which of the following is a correct information about the passage?

      (i)  Newspaper offers us the opportunities of enjoying interesting stories.

      (ii) Newspaper reflects the picture of a particular area of country.

      (iii) Newspaper offers us the opportunity of having knowledge of all the happening all over the world.

      (iv) Reading newspaper makes us highly educated.

(f)  Which of the following has the closest meaning of the word 'vital' used in the passage?

      (i) Vitamin           (ii) Significant         (iii) Gigantic    (iv) Enormous

(g)  What is the purpose of the author of this passage?

      (i)  To show the importance of reading newspaper.

      (ii) To show the demerits of newspaper.

      (iii) To show the blessing of modern science.

      (iv) To show the role of the parliament.

2.   Answer the following questions.                                                                         2´5=10

(a)  Why should we form the habit of reading newspaper?

(b)  Why is newspaper called the mirror of the world?

(c)  'Newspaper is a dainty in a dish of varieties'. Explain the theme in 2/3 sentences.

(d) What roles do newspapers play in the modern world?

(e)  What does newspaper often contain?

3.   Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90-100 words.                             10

                 Read the passage on the biography of Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela was born in Transkei, South Africa, on 18th July 1918. He joined the African National Congress in 1944 & was engaged in resistance against the ruling National Party's apartheid policies. In November 1962 he was sentenced to five years in prison & started serving his sentence at Robben Island prison in 1963. From 1964 to 1982, he was again imprisoned at Robben Islam prison & then later moved to Polls moor prison, during which his reputation as a potent symbol of resistance to the antiapartheid movement grew steadily. Released from prison in 1990, Mandela won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 & was inaugurated as the first democratically elected president of South Africa in 1994. He is the author of the international bestseller book “Long Walk to Freedom & Conversations with Myself.” Nelson Mandela was the first black President of South Africa. He was in prison from 1962 to 1990. He became President of South Africa in 1994 & retired in 1999. He spent 27 years in prison for trying to overthrow the pro-apartheid government. After he left prison, he worked to achieve human rights and a better future for everyone in South Africa. Nelson Mandela died on 5th December 2013 following a lung illness.

4.   Complete the table below with information from the above passage.                  1´5=5





Nelson Mandela


(i) .........




the African National Congress

(ii) ....


(iii) ......




was president





in Africa

(v) ....

5.   From your reading of the above passage, fill in the blanks with suitable words. Use one word only in each blank.                                                                            1´5=5

      Nelson Mandela was a South (a) ¾. He was sent to Robben Island Prison for five years imprisonment (b) ¾ the Government in 1962 for going against the ruling National Party's apartheid politics. Then again, he had to go there for the same reason. He was the (c) ¾ democratically elected President of the country & also the first (d) ¾ President. He worked for human rights and better (e) ¾ of the South Africa. He died of lung Cancer in 2013.

6.   Match the parts of sentences given in Column 'A' and Column 'B' to write five complete sentences. There are more parts of sentences in Column 'B' than required.                                                                                                                                                              1´5=5

Column A

Column B

a. Kazi Nazrul Islam is one of

i.   Kazi Fakir Ahmed and Jaheda Khatun.

b.  He was born on 24 May, 1899

ii. called the rebel poet who died in Dhaka in 1976.

c.  Nazrul was the son of the couple

iii. field of singing songs and composing poem from his boyhood.

d.  Because of poverty he could  not

iv. army as a soldier in his early youth.

e.  His genius was evident in the

v.  the greatest Bengali Poets.


vi. at Churulia in the district of Burdwan in West Bengal.


vii.go on with his studies after class ten.

7.   Put the following parts of the story in correct order to rewrite the whole story.1´8=8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

(a)  Saadi replied, "My dress deserves this food."

(b)  Being surprised, the courtier asked, "Why are you putting the foods in your dress?"

(c)  Once he was invited to the emperor's palace.

(d) The courtier entertained him with rich and delicious food but now Saadi began to put his foods in the pocket of his dress.

(e)  He set out for the emperor's palace in ordinary dress.

(f)  Sheikh Saadi was a great Persian poet and he was simple in his ways of life.

(g)  On his way back home, Saadi again took shelter in the same courtier's house but this time he put on gorgeous dress.

(h)  On the way, he took shelter in a courtier's house but the courtier and his men did not show much honour and hospitality to him.

                                                  Part B: Writing Test

8.  Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on ‘Traffic Jam’. You should write about 250 words.                                                                         10

(a)  What is traffic jam?                             (b) What are the causes of traffic jam?

(c)  What are the effects of traffic jam?     (d) What are the remedies measures of traffic jam?

(e)  What is your suggestion about traffic jam?   


9.  Read the beginning of the story. Write ten new sentences to complete the                story and give a suitable title to it.                                                                                         10      

      It was a summer day. A crow became very thirsty. It began to move here    and there   in search of drinking water but in vain. The crow did not lose hope…. ……


10.  This graph is shown you about  the results of Hawa  in his Term-End exam. Now, describe the chart in 120 words.                                                                           10            


11.  Suppose, you are Hasan/ Hena living at station road in Rangpur. Your friend Nabil/                 Nabila lives at Muradpur in Chittagong. He/She made an excellent result in the last S. S. C Examination and that result impressed you greatly. Now write a letter to your friend congratulating him/her on his/her brilliant success.                                           10


12.  Suppose, you are Rani and your friend is Soni. Early rising is a  good habit. A proverb says, ‘ Early to bed  and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.’ Early rising has many benifits. It makes our mind fresh and lively.

Now , make a dialogue between you and your friend about the benifits of early rising.  10


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