

২৮ এপ্রিল, ২০২০ ০৯:০৯ পূর্বাহ্ণ

Mita's Day | English for Today | Class Four

Learning outcomes


1.1.1 recognize sound differences in the context of words. 

Speaking :

1.1.1 repeat after the teacher and say words, phrases and               

         sentences with proper sounds, stress and intonation.

5.1.1 tell the time (hours only and mention a.m./p.m.)

Reading :

1.4.1 read words, phrases and sentences in the text.

1.5.1 read words, phrases and sentences in the text with proper pronunciation, stress and intonation.

3.2.1 read the clock (hours only) and mention a.m/p.m

Writing :

7.2.1 write the time (hours only) and mention a . m / p . m