৩০ ডিসেম্বর, ২০২১ ০৫:০২ অপরাহ্ণ
ধরনঃ সাধারণ শিক্ষা
শ্রেণিঃ একাদশ
বিষয়ঃ English for Today
অধ্যায়ঃ তৃতীয় অধ্যায়
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to------
❑ write about the street child.
❑ Make correct pronunciation.
❑ New words Meaning & Sentence making.
❑ Summarize of the text.about the street child.
❑ Make correct pronunciation.
❑ New words Meaning & Sentence making.
❑ Summarize of the text. write about the street child.
❑ Make correct pronunciation.
❑ New words Meaning & Sentence making.
❑ Summarize of the text.