
উদ্ভাবনের গল্প

১৪ নভেম্বর, ২০২২ ০১:০৪ অপরাহ্ণ

উদ্ভাবনের গল্প। How to learn the tense I কিভাবে ইংরেজি টেনস শিখতে হয়।

It Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this video, the student will be able to:

  1. Use present, past, and future tenses with appropriate time markers
  2. Recognize present perfect, past perfect and future perfect tenses and their progressive forms
  3. Use perfect tenses with increasing accuracy
  4. Demonstrate control in using irregular verbs in the above tenses
  5. Recognize stative vs. action verbs and use them correctly
  6. Use tag questions and their appropriate responses
  7. Use correct auxiliary verbs in short answers and with so, not either, neither
  8. Recognize sentence functions of gerunds and infinitives and use them correctly
  9. Recognize and use causative verbs followed by objects and base form
  10. Recognize sentence focus with passive verbs; use passive voice accordingly
  11. Use perfect forms of modals to express advisability and obligation in the past
  12. Use perfect forms of modals to speculate and draw conclusions about the past
  13. Distinguish between factual and unreal conditionals1
  14. Use correct verb tense in factual and unreal conditionals
  15. Recognize subject and object relative pronouns and relative adverbs when and where
  16. Use adjective clauses to modify nouns
  17. Recognize and use direct and indirect speech
  18. Use embedded questions in sentences
  19. Use reflexive and reciprocal pronouns correctly