
উদ্ভাবনের গল্প

২১ ফেব্রুয়ারি , ২০২৪ ০১:১৬ পূর্বাহ্ণ

Unlock Learning Magic How to Teach Question Words।। How to teach Question Words For Primary School

Unlock Learning Magic in this comprehensive guide on teaching question words for primary school children. 🌟 In this video, you'll discover effective strategies, engaging activities, and proven methods to make learning question words an exciting journey for young learners.

Today, we have something truly magical in store for you – the ultimate guide on unlocking the learning magic for primary school children. We're diving deep into the world of question words, making it an exciting journey for our young learners. I'm your host [Your Name], and let's get started!"

"Question words are the keys that unlock a world of knowledge! Before we delve into our strategies, let's understand why teaching question words is so crucial for our little ones. By mastering these words, kids not only enhance their language skills but also develop critical thinking and communication abilities. It's the foundation for a lifetime of learning."

"Now that we've unlocked the learning magic, it's time to put it into practice. Whether you're a teacher in the classroom or a parent at home, join us in incorporating these question words into everyday conversations and activities. Let's make learning a magical journey for every child!"

 Md. Lutfor Rahman (M, A, M-Ed)

Assistant Teacher,

Kundarampur Government Primary School

Ghoraghat, Dinajpur.

Master Trainer in English of TMTE Project of British Council Under DPE,

Subject Based  Trainer in English, Arts and Crafts and BGS ,

ICT4E District Ambassador, a2i. Dinajpur

Ambassador Wakelet.

Tessol Ambassador Teacher.

Best Content Maker, Teacher's portal.

MIE Expert: (Fifth time) 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024

Best Teacher 2022 (Upazila level).

Mentor, ICT Olympiad, Bangladesh.

Web Designer (www.lutfor11.com)

Graphics Designer.

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