সিনিয়র শিক্ষক
২৫ ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০২৪ ০৩:২৯ অপরাহ্ণ
ধরনঃ সাধারণ শিক্ষা
শ্রেণিঃ ষষ্ঠ
বিষয়ঃ English
অধ্যায়ঃ দ্বিতীয় অধ্যায়
Competency 4: Ability to comprehend and connect to a literary text using contextual clues.
Therefore, in this experience
Students will be exposed to different genres of literary texts, and reflect on the elements of storytelling (plot, character and setting) which will enable them to connect to the text, and based on that they will be able to express their appreciation.
Experience (6.5 hours)
● Firstly, SS will share their experiences of how they tried to make others happy.
● Then, SS will be exposed to the poem.
● After that, SS will be engaged in the discussion to find out some interesting things in the poem as well as some literary features of the poem.
● Finally, they will produce texts.
Presented by:
Manik Chandra Majumder
Senior Teacher
Gazirhat High School
Senbag, Noakhali.
Mobile No: 01717155169
Email: manikmajumder01@gmail.com