
পাঠসংশ্লিষ্ট ছবি/ইমেজ

০৮ জুন, ২০১৯ ১২:০০ পূর্বাহ্ণ

News Vocabulary Words
1. Breaking news: newly received information about an event that is currently occurring or developing. 2. Trending news: a news that has a rapid increase in public interest or attention. 3. Headlines: a heading at the top of an article or page in a newspaper or magazine. 4. Correspondent: a person employed to report for a newspaper or broadcasting organization. 5. Obituary: a notice of a death, especially in a newspaper, typically including a brief biography of the deceased person. 6. Columnist: a journalist contributing regularly to a newspaper or magazine. 7. Circulation: movement to and fro or around something, especially that of fluid in a closed system. 8. Edition: a particular version of a text maintained by regular revision. 9. Editorial: relating to the commissioning or preparing of material for publication. 10. Journalism: the activity or profession of writing for newspapers, magazines, or news websites or preparing news to be broadcast. 11. In-depth coverage: doing something fully, carefully or with great attention to detail.

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