
পাঠসংশ্লিষ্ট ছবি/ইমেজ

২১ জুলাই, ২০১৯ ১২:০০ পূর্বাহ্ণ

Way to ask someone to wait
Ways to ask someone to wait: 1. Hang on a moment: used to tell someone to wait or to stop for a brief time E.g. "Aren't you finished yet?" "Hold on a moment." 2. Give me a minute/second: used to ask someone to wait for a short period of time. E.g. Give me a minute, I'll call you back. 3. I'll be right with you: used for saying that someone is coming very soon. E.g. Make yourself at home. I’ll be right with you. 4. You'll just have to be patient: when you have to tell someone that something will take time E.g. You just had a fight, you'll just have to be patient. 5. Sorry, I'm a bit tied up right now: when you have to tell someone you're busy and the person should wait E.g. I'm tied up right now. I'm busy with a client. 6. Give me a chance: Please give me a fair chance and enough time to complete the task. E.g. Alice: Come on! I need more time to finish the test. Give me a chance! 7. Wait and see: wait to find out what will happen before doing something. E.g. We will have to wait and see what happens.

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