

১৩ এপ্রিল, ২০২০ ১২:৩৬ পূর্বাহ্ণ

Interchange of Assertive and Imperative sentences

A sentence which expresses order , request, advice, command or proposal is called an Imperative sentence.

Example: Leave this place at once.

Let us have a walk.

Open the door , please.

Don’t speak of all others.

Let us play in the field

Rules-1: Assertive  sentence  টি  2nd person দ্বারা   শুরু হলে   উক্ত 2nd person   এবং Auxiliary Verb   উঠে যায়

Structure:  Verb+ Extension.                 

Example: You should take physical exercise regularly.

  Take physical exercise regularly.

You should  do the work.

Do the work.