

২০ নভেম্বর, ২০১৪ ১২:০০ পূর্বাহ্ণ

My Tale in "Tell your tale"
" My new world" I am Mohammad Ali Hossain ,assistant teacher of Char Kashim Nagor Govt.Pri School in Narsingdi. In each day go to school take 6 periods in respective classes then back to home getting tired .So i feel boring . Noted that I was running Facebook then.It was very interesting to me.All on a sudden ,Our acting UEO Nor Md Ruhul Sugir send me to ict training in Brahmanbaria PTI.Isay it here Iam very interested in ICT. 24 number of primary teachers joined this training .this was successfully completed .we all have gotten a new Id for working in www.teachers.gov.bd. i can`t express myself totally what a enjoyable site it is! The 6th May ,our memorable day ,a2i & British Council jointly celebrated 3 days in Cox`bazaar with honorable Education Minister & Primary & Mess Education Minister ,British Council representative giving us medals and certificates for binge top 10 best teacher and Weekend best teacher . Super admin of shikkok Batayon wrote a blog to join in British council activities . Me and some of my friends registered in British Council link. After competing a successful workshop in hotel sen Nibash British Council selected me the School Ambassador for my local area to connect people with British Council activities in learning and empowerment .I feel proud to be an ambassador in my area as well as have learnt something important to shear with other teachers or people.Connecting classroom , Schools Online ,Partner with a School,Classroom Resources,professional development ,Global citizen etc have created an impact on me deeply. British Council has given me a new world to do something new according to my own idea. I already have found my partner school near by London .It`s coordinator Minni Glasson connect with me regularly . We shear our teaching techniques and other things we need for our development .So I am proud of Britsh council and enjoy it`s teaching and learning support activities.

আরো দেখুন