

২৬ জুলাই, ২০২৩ ১২:১৯ পূর্বাহ্ণ

Education Ministry withdraws RU's recruitment ban after 2.5 years

Education Ministry withdraws RU's recruitment ban after 2.5 years

The education ministry withdrew the suspension on all types of recruitment at Rajshahi University (RU) after over two and a half years.

RU's public relations office administrator Prof Pradip Kumar Panday said that they received a notification issued by the Secondary and Higher Education Division (SHED) and signed by Shatrupa Talukder, senior secretary of the ministry on Tuesday.


Earlier, on December 10, 2020, the education ministry suspended all kinds of appointments at the university as they found evidence of corruption and irregularities by the then RU VC Prof Abdus Sobhan and Pro-VC Prof Choudhury Zakaria, in the appointment of teachers at the university.

Quoting the notification, he said the suspension was withdrawn following an application submitted by RU authorities to ensure the academic and administrative activities at the university.

The university authorities have now been granted permission to conduct all recruitment activities in accordance with their policy, SHED said in the notification.

Prof Abdus Salam, registrar of the university, said,"We have just received the letter. Now we will discuss it with the vice-chancellor and take necessary arrangements afterwards."

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